Written by redbalmeo on 11:07 AMI am not an expert when it comes to Search Engine Optimzation. By the way, I am new with blogging and I am not knowledgeable when it comes to search Engine Optimization. I have been looking over the web to find tips about search engine optimization and landed on pages that at first sight, seem helpful, but after reading for a while, they offer nothing. They have one purpose, to optimize their sites. For us to glorify their asses. (Sorry for the word). We just visited their site which is equivalent to an increase in their page rankings. Where have we ended up? Nowhere...
So I decided not to look for help anymore. I will try everything in my capacity to learn to optimize my site without their help. I am starting from scratch. Maybe if I succeed in this feat, I will be able to share to you concrete ways to optimize your site. Search Engine Optimization is one of my quests from now on. And I believe I will succeed. I will optimize my site
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