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Written by redbalmeo on 4:52 PM

I am not super fat. My BMI is normal. Somewhere around 23. By the way, for you who are not familiar with BMI, it's actually the acronym of Body Mass Index.

Body Mass Index (BMI) The most widely used measurement for obesity. The BMI
approximates body mass using a mathematical ratio of weight and height [(weight
in kg / height in meters2) or (weight in pounds / height in inches2 x 703)]. A
BMI of 30 or more is regarded by most health agencies as the threshold for
obesity. A BMI of 40 or more generally qualifies as morbid obesity. However,
note that BMI measurements in body-builders and athletes may not be accurate
determinants of obesity because the BMI does not distinguish between muscle and
fat. --taken from

If I'm not fat, why do I want to be on a diet? Well, aside from the fact that I want to get leaner (which I think looks great), I want to be healthy. I've been eating a lot of junk that has put some toll on my body. Something which I believe will make me regret later on. I'm 22 years old and I am a chocoholic. I eat lots of sugar daily and I often order food from fastfood chains. Who would dare resist the food they offer? Those are the best tasting foods the world can ever offer. Well maybe those who have strong will can resist those food. But not me. I think that diet, as Garfield puts it is "die" with a t. I often equate it with eating green all your life.

The other day, when I was watching the television, I came upon a talk show that talks about diets. And the word south beach diet was mentioned and a brief story about it was also presented. I got intrigued by its promise that by two weeks, South Beach Diet can give you the shape you ever wanted. I tried searching the web for the word South Beach Diet and 3.5 Million articles showed up. Upon reading the first few articles, I decided that this week, I'll start on the South Beach Diet.

South Beach Diet is not about deprivation of food. It's not like other diet programs that force you not to eat. In fact, with South Beach Diet you can eat 3 regular meals and snacks. Plus, with South Beach Diet, you also get to introduce back to your diet, the food you really love. Amazing isn't it? I'm done reading the first phase (South Beach Diet by the way, has 3 phases) and I'm starting to go on this diet this week. I weigh about 70 kg. I'll update this blog after a week or two.

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