Written by redbalmeo on 9:40 AMDepending on the types of products they manufacture or handle and on their market orientation, certain firms are required by law to register with other government agencies:
Bureau of Animal Industry
For exporters of animals and animal products
Bureau of Customs (BC)
Registration for operation of Customs Bonded Manufacturing Warehouse (CBMW)
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards
Standard of quality in processing, preservation, packages, labeling, importation, exportation, distribution and advertising of agriculture and fisheries products.
Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)
Clearance for projects which involve food, chemicals and others
Bureau of Product Standards (BPS)
Philppine Standard (PS) Quality Mark to ensure that locally manufactured comsumer products conform to Philppine standards
Department of Environment and National Resources (DENR)
Permit to construct/operate pollution control devices
Department of National Defense (DND) / Philippine National Police (PNP)
License/clearance for defense-related projects
Department of Health (DOH)
Clearance for health-related projects
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Registration of advanced technology
Department of Tourism (DOT)
Registration of tourism projects
Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
For messengerial and courier services
Garment & Textile Export Board (GTEB)
Clearance for garment exporters/quota allocation
Housing & Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB)
National Housing Authority (NHA)
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
Projects involving land use/conversion
Intellectual Property Office (IPO)
Trademarks/patents registration
Land Transportation, Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)
Franchise for mass transit operation
LTO Franchising and Regulatory Board
For those engaged in Rent-A-Car and transport services
Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Acquiring mining rights
National Food Authority - Regulatory Division (NFARD)
Registration of rice, corn and flour dealers
National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR)
Registration of power generation projects
National Telecommunication Office (NTC)
Telecommunication projects
National Tobacco Administration (NTA)
For those engaged in the production or export of flue-cured Virginia type tobacco, Burley tobacco, and Turkish/Oriental tobacco products.
Philippine Overseas and Employment Agency (POEA)
For those engaged in Manning and Crewing services
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