Written by redbalmeo on 6:01 AMThe South Beach Diet is a 3-phase weight loss program developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston, one of the leading cardiologists in the United States. His goal of helping people with heart problems led to the development of a diet that is both good for people who want to lose weight and at the same time, has good effects for the heart. South Beach diet focuses on eliminating bad carbs and replacing them with good carbs.
South Beach Diet is composed of three phases. The first phase, which is the strictest, focuses on prohibition of carbohydrates for the first two weeks. The second phase of the South Beach Diet starts to introduce back the food that the person, undergoing the diet, really loves. He emphasized that most diet programs fail because of their inability to recognize the behavior of most people undergoing diet-- craving for food that they really love. The third phase is the maintenance phase, which should be a lifestyle change. Dieters can still eat the food they love, but slightly modified.
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