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Written by redbalmeo on 6:22 AM

This is the strictest part of the South Beach Diet But don't be misled. Just because it is the strictest and full of prohibition does not mean starvation. In fact, South Beach Diet encourages you to eat 3 regular meals per day plus additional snack.

There are only certain foods allowed during this first two weeks of the South Beach Diet phase 1. your meal should revolve around food that has no or little carbohydrates. No pasta, bread, fruits, and alcoholic beverage.

For breakfast, it is recommended that you eat eggs with 2 slices of bacon. For other days, you can have egg with ham and low fat chees (no pasta, bread, rice or any carbohydrates).

For lunch, it should be a choice of vegetables or salad with vinaigrette and olive oil as dressing. No mayo or other dressing. You can also eat it with grilled chicken, lamb or fish (not fried). No sodas or drinks with high sugar content. Fruits are no-no for the first two weeks

For dinner, vegetables or salad with vinaigrette. Have some variety, you can have tomato stuffed with tuna salad. But no mayo or dressing. Only olive or canola oil is allowed.

For snacks, a choice of skimmed milk, mozarella, yogurt, nuts, low fat cheese, peanut butter
(not fruit nor any other carbohydrates). You can have three snacks.

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